New Head of Leader's Office Post at Ealing Council Slammed

Council currently making 'unprecedented' cuts advertises new admin role

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A new post has been created at Ealing Council to 'support the leader and cabinet' with a salary of 42,951 - £44,766 PA.

The job currently being advertised is 'Head of Leader's Office' and the description says:

'' This new role offers an exciting and challenging opportunity within a high-profile area, where you will provide strategic support to councillors to ensure that corporate priorities become reality.

''You will work closely with the chief executive and senior officers drafting and developing policies as well as engaging with our partners and the community. You will need to carry out relevant research and keep abreast of trends and developments in local government.

''As the first person to be appointed to this new position, it is a great opportunity for you to make your mark in a high-profile role.''

The newly created role comes only a fortnight after the Labour Administration voted through a pay increase alongside £35m of cuts to public services, including the controversial closure of Carlton Road Day Centre for adults with profound disabilities.

Cllr Greg Stafford, Opposition Leader said:

''To create this job immediately after awarding themselves a pay increase as the same time as pushing through the largest cuts to public service that Ealing has ever experienced is nothing short of scandalous.

''This is yet another example of the contemptuous regards the Labour Administration has for its residents.  Publicly, they are happy to highlight the shortage of affordable housing in the borough.   Yet, they are silent in regards to the Leader of the Council’s decision to retain a social housing property whilst owing a £1m house nearby.

''This new post should never have been created.  Residents want services, not more Labour town hall mandarins.”

A council spokesperson said: “Over the next four years the chief executive’s department at the council is reducing its budget by 46%. The new role is part of a restructuring of the department which will mean fewer senior posts.

“The person who fills this politically neutral role will support the development of policies and work closely with the council’s cabinet, chief executive and senior officers. It is possible to see the job on the council’s website and the closing date for applications is 9 March 2015.”


3rd March 2015