Job Cuts and Shorter Opening Hours

The future for Ealing's libraries

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Around twenty jobs could go, opening hours will change and the mobile service will close in a shake-up of libraries in Ealing.

These are just a few of the recommendations included in the Council's Draft Library Strategy  which will be discussed by the overview and scrutiny committee on Tuesday, 28 June (at 7pm in Ealing Town Hall).

It was feared that Northfields, Northolt, Hanwell and Perivale libraries would have to be closed in a bid to save money but a massive public campaign to save the facilities led to a Council U-turn.

Officers have been looking at alternative ways of delivering the service to achieve savings and recommend that the Council : '' stop providing a Mobile Library Service, reduce library opening hours and implement an organisational restructure in the Library Service.''

Libraries are currently open for 610 hours a week, but from January 2012 this will be reduced by 25 hours (to 585) across the entire service.

There are currently 119.5 staff but under these changes posts will be reduced to 99 - the impact of these cuts will be around 34.5% at management and support services level and 13% at branch libraries.

The report highlights the importance of volunteers and community groups and officers are exploring the feasibility of ''working alongside a charitable trust to deliver library services in Ealing'' as well as developing a 'comprehensive volunteer programme'.

It's also proposed that £570,000 from the sale of “The Birth of Eve” painting is used to fund hi-tech improvements including installing Wi-Fi in all libraries and community centres, introducing Apple Macs to libraries, and buying ‘Sony Readers’ to encourage the use of ebooks. The money had been earmarked for 'arts and culture'.

Tuesday's meeting is being held in the Liz Cantell room of Ealing Town Hall is open to members of the public.

Anyone wishing to ask specific questions or to speak at the meeting must contact Keith Fraser, head of scrutiny and committees on 020 8825 7497 or email by midday on Monday 27 June.

Recommendations from the meeting will be presented to the council’s cabinet when they consider the report at their meeting on Tuesday, 5 July at 7pm in Ealing Town Hall.


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27 June 2011