"An American President in Ealing": John Quincy Adams

Informal talk at Ealing's new Paperback Coffee shop

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On Wednesday 17 December at 6.30pm at Paperback Coffee shop,153 South Ealing Road (near junction with Pope's Lane), members of Little Ealing History Group will be giving an informal talk based on the impressions recorded by future American President John Quincy Adams of what life was like here in the early nineteenth century. Adams lived for two years in Windmill Road and wrote about all aspects of life and society in Ealing and Brentford at the time, providing a fascinating historical record.

John Quincy AdamsThe talk is free and all are welcome (although space is limited). The shop will be selling its usual excellent coffee, tea and snacks.

Little Ealing History Group has published a book based on Adams’s diaries, An American President in Ealing, the John Quincy Adams Diaries 1815–1817, and copies are available for purchase from Paperback Coffee Shop or littleealinghistory.org.uk– perfect for that last minute Christmas present!

The Little Ealing History Group has eight members and was set up in 2000 to research the history of the local area. It previously published Little Ealing: a walk through history (2002).

December 15, 2014

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