Death of Ealing's Deputy Lieutenant Announced

Robert Leader represented the borough for seven years

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It's been announced that the Deputy Lieutenant of Ealing, Robert Leader, has died age 66 from cancer.

Born in Sheffield, Robert Leader initially worked in the banking and the furniture industries, before moving to the public and voluntary sectors, where he spent most of his career.

Appointed as Deputy Lieutenant of Ealing in 2007 - which saw him representing the borough at civic and charity functions - Mr Leader has been Chief Executive of Blind Veterans UK (St Dunstan’s since 1915) for the past 12 years.

In addition to his role at Blind Veterans UK, he was also Vice Chairman of the Confederation of Service Charities (COBSEO) and Chairman of the British Members Council of the World Veterans Federation.

Blind Veterans UK's Chairman, Tim Davis, said:

"Robert Leader's death is a terrible loss for everyone at Blind Veterans UK .. Robert will be remembered not only for his exceptional leadership and professional achievements, but also for his personal warmth, kindness and his lasting commitment to helping blinded ex Service men and women. He will be missed by everyone who had the pleasure of working with and, indeed, knowing him."

Ealing Council Leader, Julian Bell, said:

'' Robert was always impeccably turned out and a commanding figure in his uniform at all our civic functions. He was a great servant of Queen and Country and the London Borough of Ealing. Our thoughts are with his family and he will be greatly missed."


He is survived by his wife, Sue, their two grown-up children and three grandchildren.



April 22nd 2014