Save Our Hospitals Candlelit Vigils

Saturday 9th February 5-6.30pm

Save Our Hospitals campaigners are planning a Week of action from February 9 to 16, starting with candlelit vigils outside Ealing and Central Middlesex Hospitals.

Local residents will join campaigners from across London ahead of February 19, when NHS North West London will make its final recommendations.

The campaign says an unprecedented coalition of London residents, medical staff, trade unions and health campaigners has come together to raise the alarm regarding the biggest threats to A & E's, maternity units and in-hospital care for a generation.

The week will include protests, pickets, rallies, demonstrations, candle lit vigils, musical events and more.


Week of Action Programme.

February 9 - Vigil outside Ealing Hospital organised by the Save Our Hospitals Ealing campaign, 5pm–6.30pm. Vigil outside Central Middlesex Hospital, organised by Campaign to Defend Brent's Health Services, 5pm-6.30pm.

February 11 - Defend London's NHS Press Conference Jubilee Room, House of Commons, 10-11.45am.

February 14 - Save Our Hospitals Ealing campaigners will deliver a novelty Valentine’s card with the inscription ‘We Love our A&Es' to NW London NHS.

16 February 2013 – Demonstration and march from Kingston Hospital to Kingston Guildhall, 12-2pm.

Save Our Hospitals Hammersmith & Fulham rally, Lyric Square, King Street, Hammersmith 12-2pm. Followed by a benefit gig at The Distillers, Hammersmith – doors open at 7pm.




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6th February 2013