Last Chance To Have Say On Ealing Hospital Changes

Residents urged to take part in review report

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Ealing Council's urging residents concerned about plans to downgrade local hospitals to tell the review panel before it's too late.

Proposals to shut A&E services at Ealing, Central Middlesex, Charing Cross and Hammersmith hospitals were announced last summer and resulted in widespread opposition by people from across north west London.

Under the current plans the four hospitals affected would no longer accept 'blue light' emergency cases - meaning parts of the borough would be significantly further away from life-saving treatment than they are now.

An independent review panel is in the borough to visit hospitals, meet with doctors, councillors and campaigners as it gathers evidence before making its recommendations to the secretary of state for health in the autumn.

This week residents will receive freepost cards which need to be filled in as part of the review process.

Council leader Julian Bell said: “I and fellow councillors, from each political group on the council, gave evidence to the panel on Monday 8 July. During this session we set out the council’s grave concerns about how these cuts to local hospital services would be detrimental to the health of local people. We explained that not only would vital emergency services be further away making it harder for borough residents to seek treatment they would take away choice from patients.

“Given the growing pressure that A&E and maternity departments are facing it is hard to imagine how the remaining services would cope under the strain if these vital services are taken away.

“I am hopeful that the views of local people will be given the consideration they rightly deserve and that these barmy plans will be rejected.”

Cllr David Millican, Conservative Group Leader said:

"This has been a hard battle thus far and it is far from over. We need residents to marshal up again and share their concerns with the Independent Reconfiguration Panel by Friday, 16 August as the Panel have to submit its advice to the Health Secretary on 13 September.''

The Save Our Hospitals campaign will hold its next public meeting on Thursday 11 July, Queen’s Hall, Ealing Town Hall between 7-9pm.

People are encouraged to support the Save our Hospitals campaign and follow the campaign on Twitter #HelpSOH

Residents can either complete the freepost cards being produced by the Council or email: directly. Alternatively, they can write to: Independent Reconfiguration Panel 6th Floor 157 - 197 Buckingham Palace Road London SW1W 9SP

People are encouraged to support the Save our Hospitals campaign and follow the campaign on Twitter #HelpSOH

July 10th 2013