Trying To Cut Down on Emergency Admissions

Money available for new projects

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New funding is being made available to try and reduce the numbers of 'avoidable' emergency admissions in the borough. 

Ealing's Clinical Commission Group is calling for bids from organisations in the community and voluntary sector (CVS) to provide alternative community care services.

Dr Mohini Parmar, chair of Ealing CCG, said: “By working together with community and voluntary organisations in this way we are able to empower patients by offering a wider variety of services, bringing care out of hospital, and closer to people’s homes.

“We know that for every £1 spent in hospitals, alternative community care can be provided for 70p. That’s why we work hard to make sure residents have all the information and support they need to choose the right care for their need in the early stages of becoming unwell, as well as investing in projects like this to prevent patients being hospitalised if they would be better served instead by the opportunity to regain independence and recover in their own homes.”

Projects can be any size, can be general or targeted at a core demographic, and can be either long-term or one-off. The key stipulation is that they must be designed to reduce potentially avoidable emergency admissions, or speed up discharge from hospital, especially for the following groups:

  • people with dementia
  • people with drug or alcohol dependencies
  • homeless people
  • people over 65

Charities such as the Red Cross and Age UK already provide some of these services, such as the Home from Hospital support packs.

These packs help patients get their independence back after a hospital stay. Support might involve making sure the patient’s home is warm and safe, making sure they have enough food, helping collect prescriptions and pensions, and carrying out basic tasks around the house.

Charities and community organisations that put in a successful bid will be working in close partnership with existing statutory services like A&Es. Schemes given the green light might include expanding upon tried-and-tested ideas such as Home from Hospital support packs, Sitting-in Services, or the Community Champions programme.  Organisations might bid to provide transport, mobility aids, or self-care strategies like medication prompts.

Dr Mohini Parmar, chair of Ealing CCG, said: “This crucial investment, made possible by the Better Care Fund, is part of our plan to reduce emergency admissions when they are not in the patient’s best interests.

“Ealing residents will probably be aware of the ongoing pressures A&Es face. We are always looking for intelligent ways to reduce those pressures.

“We know that many people attend A&E when it isn’t strictly speaking an emergency for a variety of reasons. By working with community and voluntary organisations, we have the opportunity to be really smart and creative in how we reduce hospital admissions, speed up the discharge process, and empower patients to choose the right care services for their need in the first place.”

The deadline for bids is April 12 2015.

30th March 2015