Drama of Local Hospital Closures

Played out on the streets of Ealing

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Theatre came to the streets of central Ealing on Saturday (16 February 2013) as health campaigners mounted a last ditch attempt to ‘Save Our Hospitals’.

Tomorrow (Tuesday 19 February) NHS N W London are expected to announce the closure of the A&E units at Ealing, Central Middlesex, Charing Cross and Hammersmith Hospitals.

Local campaigners took to the streets on Saturday performing the funeral of the NHS for passers-by and shoppers.

In the street theatre - Government Health Secretary Jeremy (Count Dracula) Hunt MP emerges from a coffin and proceeds to auction off NHS services to the private sector for ‘buttons’. But it all ends well as the Funeral Vicar forces the private sector vampires and zombies to give back to the NHS the services they were ‘gifted’ and he sorts out Dracula Hunt by driving a pointed crucifix through his heart.

Four ‘Save our Hospitals’ information stalls did brisk business and all these activities came together with 100 protesters assembling for a rally on the steps of Perceval House, below the giant 'Save Our Hospitals' sign.

Ealing Trade Union Council Secretary Eve Turner said "Our street theatre has been yet another imaginative way to ram home the message that we need our hospitals and we need our Health Service. Selling off services to the lowest bidder will just lead to cuts and poor quality care. When will the Health Minister listen to the voice of the people?"


Watch the show on youtube here



18th February 2013