Hurrah! The Sun is Here!

But  be prepared - rain is on the way

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The Met Office say temperatures are set to soar over the next few days and are warning people not to be caught out.

London is at level 2 of the heat-health watch scale which means the probability of heatwave conditions between 1200 on Sunday and 0900 on Tuesday is 60%.

The high temperatures could prove dangerous for the very young, older people and the sick.

The advice for coping in high temperatures is to drink more fluids and use sun cream/cover up.

If you start to feel unwell seek medical advice as soon as possible or it could develop into heatstroke which can cause serious health problems.

Although it's hot today - temperatures rising to 29C it looks like rain is on the way - see here for forecast Get the Latest Weather Info

To check the NATIONAL weather forecast and any high temperature health warnings at

Contact NHS Direct on 0845 4647 or NHS Online at for advice about heat exhaustion and heatstroke.



 25th June 2011