Concern Over Missing Giorgia

Teenager known to frequent Ealing area

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Giorgia Welch-Adesanya


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Police in Ealing are growing increasingly concerned for the welfare of a missing 15-year-old girl.

Giorgia Welch-Adesanya was last seen at 15:00hrs on Thursday 12 February in Wembley. She is described as a black female, 5ft 1ins tall, of slim build, with medium length thick curly black hair.

Giorgia is known to frequent Harlesden, Brent and Ealing areas. It is not known what she was last wearing.

Officers are increasingly concerned for her wellbeing and would urge anyone with information on her whereabouts to call police on 101 or Missing People on 116000 quoting reference: 15MIS005393.


3rd March 2015