Should The Flags Be Lowered?

Conservative anger over Council 'lack of respect'

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flags in memory of Baroness Thatcher

Image courtesy Jon Ball

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The Conservative opposition leader says Ealing Council is showing a ' shameful lack of respect' in not lowering flags in memory of Baroness Thatcher.

Councillor David Millican has asked for the flags to be flown at half mast over Ealing Town Hall.

He says: "Despite my several requests, flags are still not being flown at half mast over Ealing Town Hall.

"This is a shameful lack of respect for the life of Lady Thatcher.  Flags are being flown at half mast over Buckingham Palace, 10 Downing Street and British Embassies around the world, yet not Ealing Town Hall.

"Parliament has been specially recalled to enable MPs to show their respects; and Her Majesty the Queen is showing her respects by attending the funeral next week, so I hope that the Mayor of Ealing will accede to my request to permit a minute's silence at the start of next Tuesday's Full Council meeting."

Liberal Democrat group leader Councillor Gary Malcom said: '' “My compassion goes to the family and friends of Lady Thatcher. Clearly, Lady Thatcher’s legacy is seen by some as being positive and others not so. The legacy left by Baroness Thatcher, with respect to housing stock within the local government sector, is still being felt today.

''Lowering the town hall flag or having a minutes silence at the next Council meeting would not be appropriate given the lack of local connection with Ealing. Also previous ex-Prime ministers have not been honoured when they have passed away. I think that the nationally publicised funeral would be the more appropriate method for people to reflect on her death.”

And Council Leader, Julian Bel, said: ''My sympathies go to Baroness Thatcher’s children and grandchildren at this time. Baroness Thatcher’s legacy will live on for many years to come. She was a huge political figure with a considerable legacy and in local government we are still feeling the effects of her decision to centralise many of our functions. Coming from Sheffield I saw the impact of many of her policies first hand, she changed the UK forever and she will never be forgotten by her opponents or her supporters.

''There are no plans to commemorate Baroness Thatcher through lowering the town hall flag or a minutes silence at the council meeting. In the past we have not honoured ex-Prime ministers when they have died and she had no specific connection to the borough and her funeral will not be a state funeral. I feel that the national events are more appropriate.”

Britain’s only female prime minister will be honoured in a funeral with full military honours at St Paul’s Cathedral next Wednesday.


What do you think? Should they be lowered? Discuss on the forum.


April 10th 2013