Commuters Warned To Expect Big Fare Hikes

London Mayor is being urged to stop the rises

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London Assembly Member for Ealing and Hillingdon, Dr Onkar Sahota, has urged the Mayor of London not to impose planned inflation busting fare rises.

The Mayor’s Business Plan states that fares are scheduled to increase at RPI plus one per cent in January, meaning that fares would rise by 3.5% across London.

Dr Sahota says that the planned rises mean that despite the Mayor pledging to lower fares, since he came to power the cost of travel will have increased by an average of 42% - now costing commuters in Ealing £391 more for a zones 1-4 annual
Today’s inflation figures mean that fare rises for January 2015 are likely to be:

- Bus Pay as You Go – up to £1.50 - a 60p rise since 2008
- PAYG TfL Rail Services Zone 1 – up to £2.28 - a 78p rise since 2008
- Zone 1-4 annual travelcard – up to £1,863 - a £391 rise since 2008

Commenting on the potential fare rises Dr Onkar Sahota, London Assembly Member for Ealing and Hillingson said:

“This is the sixth time since Boris Johnson became Mayor that commuters in Ealing and Hillingdon have faced inflation busting fare increases. Yet again Boris just hasn’t been straight with Londoners. He pledged to keep fares low, but is set to oversee a 42% rise in fares since becoming Mayor.

“Instead of accepting another year of inflation busting fare rises the Mayor should be standing up for hard pressed Londoners and scrapping his plans for above inflation fare rises.”




25th August 2014