Don't Lose Your Vote

Electoral registration forms need to be completed

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If you want a say in who runs the council next year you need to make sure you are registered.

There will be local and European elections taking place in May 2014.

Ealing Council is reminding households to complete and return their electoral registration form as soon as possible.

An annual canvas of all households is carried every year. Residents are asked to give the details of all the adults living at their property. Forms have to be checked and returned even if there have been no changes to the household and everyone living there has been registered to vote previously.

If there have been no changes to the household in the last year, returns can be made using the Freephone number printed on the registration form or by going to and entering the unique security numbers also printed on the form.

If there are changes, the form will need to be amended and returned by post as a hard copy signature is required for all new names. When people make their returns they can choose whether to include their details on the full register or the edited register. The full register lists everyone who is registered to vote in the borough and is not available to copy or buy. The edited register is available to purchase and can be used for any purpose, e.g. direct mailing. People can also use the form to opt for a postal vote. This means they will be able to have their say in elections and referendums, even if they are at work or out of the country while the polling stations are open.

Anyone who hasn’t received a form, or who has recently moved in to the area, should call 020 8825 7777 or email and a form will be sent to them.

Councillor Julian Bell, leader of Ealing Council, said: “People can make the mistake of thinking that because they are paying council tax, or have completed a registration form before, they are automatically registered to vote. This isn’t true and households must return their details, either through the post, online or using the Freephone number, in order to vote.

“Local government elections will take place next May when people will be asked to vote on how important local services, such as housing, parks, social care and libraries, are run. People who aren’t on the electoral roll will miss out on having their say, so I urge people to make sure they are registered.”

For more information on registering to vote, go to







23rd October 2013