Labour and Conservatives Send In Their Funny Men

Campaigning underway in Ealing Central and Acton

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On the campaign trail



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Donning his best skirt, heels and red lipstick comedian Boris Johnson Eddie Izzard has been on the Labour campaign trail this week supporting Ealing Central and Acton parliamentary candidate Rupa Huq.

The entertainer joined around 60 Labour Party activists on Haven Green. He even managed the three hour walkabout in towering stilettos and a pencil skirt.

He joined Dr Rupa Huq, in a push to rally support for her campaign in the run up to the General Election. He has also visited other key seats, Brentford, Chiswick, Isleworth and Brent.

Eddie is a comedian, actor, marathon runner, Labour Party activist and aspiring politician himself.

Rupa said: "It was brilliant to be joined by Eddie Izzard who is a truly inspirational figure to everybody and reaches beyond traditional party politics.

"Traffic literally stopped for him."

Meanwhile Boris Johnson was in Acton showing his support once again for rival Conservative candidate, Angie Bray.

He went to Berrymede Junior School to meet the new Latin class and took some of the lesson - 'Veni, vidi, vici' perhaps?

He conducted a walkabout with Angie through the South Acton estate and up to Acton High Street meeting hundreds of well-wishers and supporters on the way.

Boris was handing out leaflets saying ‘Boris Backs Bray’ and canvassed a lot of local support for Angie’s election campaign. Boris said he ‘had worked closely with Angie on a number of local issues including transport and the environment.’

Angie said, ‘It was great to have Boris with me in Acton today. As a Governor of Berrymede Jnr School I have always wanted to bring Boris to the school and I knew he would enjoy meting the Latin class. It was a great pleasure to walk around the area afterwards and meet so many supporters. Boris was a breath of fresh air and he always creates a buzz wherever he goes. He’s welcome back for another visit any time he wants.’

Nominations for Ealing Central and Acton Seat

Jon BALL - Lib Dems

Angie BRAY - Conservatives

Scott DORE - Workers Revolutionary Party

Peter FLORENCE - UK Independence Party (UKIP)

Rupa HUQ - Labour

Jonatha NOTLEY - Independent

Tammy RENDLE - The Above and Beyond Party

Andrzej RYGIELSKI - Europeans Party

Tom SHARMAN - The Green party

The election takes place on Thursday 7 May 2015 between the hours of 7:00 am and 10:00 pm.

16th April 2015