Ealing in Top Ten For Early Years Help

Ofsted release figures on achievements of disadvantaged children

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Ealing is ranked in the top ten local authorities for helping young disadvantaged children to achieve a good level of development, according to the latest figures.

The latest figures from Ofsted show that in 2014, 55% of Ealing children aged five and younger receiving free school meals achieved a good level of development. This compares to 67% of children who do not receive free school meals and is a 6% improvement on the previous year. This puts Ealing in the top 5% of all local authorities.

Ealing Council’s early years' team plays a pivotal role in supporting parents through its network of 27 children’s centres placed across the borough.The team also works with schools, Ofsted-registered nurseries, play groups and childminders to make sure they are meeting the standards for learning and development set out by the government’s Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) which covers this crucial time in a child’s life.

Last year, 75% of children from disadvantaged backgrounds left Ealing primary school after achieving the expected level 4 in their KS2 SATS compared to 67% nationally. And more than 47% of pupils eligible for free school meals left Ealing high school with five GCSEs at A*-C grade, including English and maths, compared to 36.5% nationally- a difference of more than 10%.

Councillor Binda Rai, cabinet member for children and young people, said: “Quality early years provision has a lasting and substantial impact. When children start school ready to learn and able to communicate and form relationships with adults and their fellow classmates they are already on the right path to having a positive school experience.

“We have an excellent track record in helping local children to achieve their potential, regardless of their background, but we recognise that there is always more to do. We will continue to work with schools and early years providers to ensure that the gap between those with a difficult start in life, and their peers, continues to narrow.”

To read the Ofsted early years report, go to www.ofsted.gov.uk and search ‘early years report’.

Residents can find out if they are eligible for 15 free hours of childcare for their two year old by going to www.childrenscentres.org.uk or by calling Ealing’s family information service on 020 8825 5588.

4th August 2015