Ealing Civic Society Awards

Your chance to nominate a favourite place in Ealing

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Nominate your favourite building in Ealing for a special award.

Every year Ealing Civic Society makes awards to recognise and encourage building and environmental projects that make a noteworthy contribution to the community in the London Borough of Ealing.

The winners receive a certificate and may display a Society plaque commemorating the award. The judges may also award certificates for ‘highly commended’ and ‘commended’
This year marks the 26th year of the award scheme. Previous winners have ranged from new landscapes (such as the award winning Northala Fields
project) to new schools (such as the William Perryn School, Acton) and from new houses such as the Brooke Coombes house Mountfield Road Ealing to restoration of the interior of St Mary's church South Ealing.

Ealing Civic Society chairman Robert Gurd said that the aim of the contest was to embrace all kinds of building and landscae design.

Dr Gurd added:“We are trying to encourage the best in new architecture – our Society isn't
just about preserving historic buildings, it's also about promoting good modern ones.”

If you would like to nominate a building or landscape for the 2015 Award you can download further details and a nomination form from the website.

The deadline for application forms is 22 September. Come along to our Awards ceremony at Ealing Town Hall to see who has won at 7.30 on Tuesday 24 November. Lorraine Heggessey, television producer and executive and Ealing resident, will present the awards.





1st September 2015