Prime Minister Picks Ealing For NHS Speech

Cameron not planning on backing down on reforms

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David Cameron chose Ealing Hopsital to speak about his love for the NHS - in a bid to quell fears about planned reforms.

The Hospital has featured in the national media recently with criticism focussing on Cancer care but the Prime Minister is said to be impressed with the day care unit at Ealing which performs complex operations allowing patients to recover quickly.

Speaking to a crowd of staff, patients and the media, David Cameron stated how passionate he was about the NHS but reiterated that it had to change he said: “If we don't modernise today we face a crisis tomorrow.”

He said an ageing population is taking its toll adding that more people are having to be treated for long-term conditions with 2,700 more planned operations being carried out per day than was the case four years ago.

He highlighted waste and inefficiency in the health service, too much management and bureaucracy which he said was stopping medics doing their jobs and a postcode lottery for the best care.

Of the proposed changes he said: “It will be evolutionary not revolutionary...There will be no privatisation...there will be no cherry-picking by private providers and no upfront costs people have to pay to get care.

“It will be the NHS you love and recognise - only better.”

In April, the Government launched a “listening exercise” to take place over a two-month period to hear the public’s views on NHS modernisation.

The NHS Future Forum, which was announced as part of the listening exercise,  will also submit an independent report at end of May with recommendations for changes to the Health and Social Care Bill.



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17th May 2011