Police Hunt Prolific Burglar

One man is thought to be responsible for over 30 thefts

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Police are appealing for information on a linked series of burglaries in homes in Ealing, Hounslow and Twickenham.

It is believed that at least 30 residential burglaries have been committed by one person in these areas over the last month.

The suspect has targeted flats in blocks owned by professionals who are work during the day.

On many occasions the burglaries have taken place during the day and the suspect has targeted a number of properties in a residential block in one hit. Cash and jewellery left in the properties has been taken.

The suspect is believed to be a white man aged in his mid to late 30s and of slim or medium build. It is believed he may be using the mainline trains or tube to travel to the venues.

Officers investigating the offences have released CCTV images of a man they wish to speak to in connection with investigation.

DC Graham Offield, from Hounslow borough, said:

"I am certain someone will recognise the person in the CCTV and would appeal to them to come forward and contact CID at Hounslow on 0208 247 6160 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

"Burglary is extremely distressing for victims; I want to take this opportunity to raise people's awareness of how to keep their homes safe. Burglary on the whole is an opportunist crime, with a large number of burglaries resulting from insecure properties. A burglar will select homes that present the best opportunity for their crime to go undetected and with the fewest obstacles in their way.

"Don't let your home become a target. Protect your home by taking simple steps such as using timers to turn lights and radios on, fitting alarms, making sure your home is properly locked and by keeping valuables out of view."




People can find out more by visiting the dedicated page on the Metropolitan Police website www.met.police.uk/crimeprevention/burglary or contact their local Safer Neighbourhoods team. In an emergency, always dial 999.


22nd May 2012

May 25, 2012