Give a Life Saving Present This Year

Appeal for more blood donors in Ealing

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NHS Blood and Transplant is asking people in Ealing to consider spending an hour of their time to donate blood in the New Year.

With each blood donation potentially saving or improving up to three lives, this good deed can help more people than your average resolution.

There are four main blood groups – O, A, B and AB. A regular supply of all blood groups is vital – red cells last 35 days and platelets only 7 days.

Maintaining a regular supply of group O Rh Negative is particularly important to respond to patient need.

Insert NameNelson Olivares, Senior Marketing Coordinator at NHS Blood and Transplant said:

“The beginning of the year is a great time to make changes to your lifestyle. And it is the perfect time to give blood. If knowing that your blood is helping to save sick and injured people isn’t satisfaction enough, we can also guarantee donors a warm welcome, a refreshing drink and a biscuit when they donate. This year, make a resolution you will want to keep and help us save lives at the same time.”

Every blood donation is vital, but NHS Blood and Transplant particularly needs to ensure supplies of the universal blood group O Rh Negative which is often in short supply as demand is so great. We also need to ensure supplies of the rarer blood groups A Rh Negative, B Rh Negative and AB Rh Negative as these are also vulnerable to shortfall.

To book an appointment to donate visit or call 0300 123 2323 to find your nearest session.

It is also easy to book through mobile apps for Windows, Android and Apple devices. To download the app, search 'NHSGiveBlood' in the app store.


The next donor session is at Ealing Town Hall (21/12/2014)




18th December 2014