Row Over Councillor's Allowances

Tories say Labour representatives are 'taking the mickey'

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A row has broken over allowances received by a Labour Councillor who has missed meetings due to ill health.

Conservatives are demanding that Wendy Langan (Hobbayne Ward) step down and return her payments after failing to make 81% of all her meetings in the last year.

Basic allowances for April 2012 - March 2013 amount to £9,612

It comes after Cllr Ed Rennie, Labour, Perivale Ward, repaid a portion of his councillor allowance whilst taking a 4 month break in India.

Cllr Mark Reen, opposition spokesman for Finance says:

''Residents will be dismayed to learn that yet another Labour Councillors is taking the mickey on the public purse. First, Cllr Ed Rennie went off an extended holiday in India on taxpayers’ money. Now it seems that Cllr Wendy Langan is also claiming her allowances despite missing 81% of the meetings she is expected to attend.

''Whilst we have every sympathy for Cllr Langan’s health issues, it cannot be right that she continues to collect her allowance from residents she has not served for over a year. She should have been honourable enough to stand down in the first place. Regrettably, she has chosen not to do so, hence the reasons we are asking for a by-election.

''In all other walks of life, people are only paid for the work they do. Councillors, including the ruling Labour ones, should be no different.

Labour Leader Julian Bell said:

 "I am very disappointed that the Conservatives have chosen to pursue a councillor who has had health problems in this way. Cllr Langan missed meetings last year but has since returned to her duties and her attendance is improving. This is low politics from the Conservatives who have chosen to pursue someone like this and demand they resign. 

''Ealing Labour will not stoop to this level, the Conservatives have had councillors miss meetings for health reasons, the only comment I would make about these councillors is to wish them a speedy recovery.''



21st May 2013