Stanley Bowles Diagnosed With Alzheimer's

Family asks fans to desist from asking the former footballer for autographs

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Stanley Bowles Diagnosed With Alzheimer's
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The player voted by QPR fans as the club's greatest ever, Stanley Bowles, has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's. His family have issued a plea to supporters to be aware of his condition and no longer ask him for autographs.

They say they have been overwhelmed by 'beautiful' messages of support for Stan since posting news of his condition on Facebook.

Stanley was a member of the what is generally acknowledged to be QPR's best ever team and finished his career at Brentford in 1984. He was capped five times for England.

The Manchester born striker, now aged 66, was one of the most talented and colourful footballers of the seventies

A 'Stan Bowles Day' is now being considered by QPR for whom he made 315 appearance in seven years. They plan to meet with his family to consult them on the best way to honour his contribution to the club.

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June 22, 2015