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New children's newspaper - Kid's Bizz - makes its debut


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Kids’ Bizz is part of a wider participation project run by Ealing Children’s Fund, that aims to give the children of Ealing a voice.

It is a platform for young people to express their views, and participate in life in the borough.

Ealing's Childrens Fund is part of a national fund managed by the Department for Education and Skills, and supported by Ealing Council, to prevent social exclusion amongst 5-13 year olds.

Ealing's budding young journalists are celebrating the launch of their very own newspaper for children on, as "Kids' Bizz" makes its debut appearance in schools across the borough this Monday.


The newspaper is the culmination of six months of commitment and hard work from Ealing's children, supervised by Ealing Council's Children's Fund. Stories, features, letters and interviews were contributed by pupils at Ealing's schools, whilst the really tough job of pulling together the whole paper fell to the News Crew of twenty seven children from 5 schools aged between 8 and 11 years old.


30,000 copies of the newspaper will be distributed to schools in the borough, as well as libraries and community centres. Everyone who enjoys the newspaper will be pleased to know that a second edition is already being planned and should be available in December.


Councillor Sonika Nirwal, Cabinet Member for Developing Young People said: "I am honestly amazed at the high quality of this newspaper and the professionalism of the children who put it together. They have created exactly what they set out to achieve - a quality newspaper written by children, for children, filled with interesting features, letters, discussions and event reviews. The news crew, their mentors from Ealing Children's Fund, and all the young contributors to the newspaper should be extremely proud of their creation."


Fittingly, the launch of the newspaper will be held at the Guardian's Newsroom where the young news crew and their friends will see how a national newspaper is created and be able to compare it with their own experiences of writing articles, editing news and selecting photos.


September 12th 2004