Date Set for Reynard Mills Housing Inquiry

Planning Inspector will hear evidence about the proposed development

Related links

Public Inquiry For Reynard Mills Scheme

Calls For Reynard Mills Planning Application To Be Scrapped

The Battle for Reynard Mills Part 3

Nimbyism - or Plain Common Sense?

Don't Let This Planned Development Destroy Our Community

1,000 More Residents for Windmill Road


Sign Up For,

The date's been set for a Public Inquiry to rule whether a large housing estate on the Ealing/Brentford border gets the go ahead.

It will be start on 20/11/2012 at 10am at the Civic Centre, Lampton Road, Hounslow, TW3, and is listed for three days.

The Public Inquiry is taking place because development company LP (Brentford) Ltd - part of Invista Property Foundation Trust - want permission to demolish the existing buildings at Reynard Mills Trading Estate on Windmill Road and build 275 new properties.

In April, Hounslow Council rejected the company's second, slightly scaled down application, claiming it would not improve the character and quality of the area.

The company appealed against Hounslow Council's refusal and it's now due to go to a public inquiry - after hearing all the evidence the Planning Inspector will make a ruling.

Hounslow Council say:

'' If you consider your best interests are served by attending the inquiry please do so. If you want to speak and present evidence, please submit your proof of evidence to the Planning Inspectorate  4 weeks before 20/11/2012.

If you would like to view the documents regarding this appeal please refer to Hounslow Council’s website.

Once on the Planning page, search planning applications using the planning reference number 01217/C/P37.

Alternatively you can view these document through ‘publications’ on the Planning Inspectorates website: (


Contact the campaign action group to find out more:


31 July 2012