Park Club Swimstock 2012 - Getting Wet Has Never Been So Much Fun

Enter our competition to win one of 6 family tickets

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Swimstock 2012 - Sat 12 May 2012 

The Park Club

Have your chance to win one of 6 family tickets to Swimstock by answering this question:

How long is the Park Club's outdoor pool?

Email answers to by 6pm 11th May 2012. Entrants must be members of a Neighbour Net site.

Combine the opportunity to experience a Masterclass with Swimming greats including Duncan Goodhew MBE, Sharron Davis MBE, Steve Parry and Karen Pickering MBE, a Blooming Great Tea Party in a Giant Hydro-ZORB with Dominic West (The Wire), Penny Smith (TV Presenter) , Louis Theroux and others, a children's Aquathlon, a Hula Hula Pool Party and a music festival including The FeelingLaura Wright - and you'll have SWIMSTOCK 2012! All in aid of raising money for Marie Curie Cancer Care! Book your place today for you and your guests...

Whilst Rebecca Adlington is busy with her Olympic preparations our friends at British Gas, who sponsor British Swimming, have managed to arrange for Swimming greats Duncan Goodhew MBE, Sharron Davies MBE, Steve Parry and Karen Pickering MBE to share their coaching and general swim expertise with us all! Enrol now for Swim Master classes, Swim Gala and Aquathlon!

Alongside this celebration of swimming, Swimstock 2012 sees the most amazing and eclectic line up of musical genious we’ve ever seen at The Club. Take, for example, classical headliner Laura Wright (look out for Laura singing the National Anthem at this Saturday's FA Cup Final), and Brit, Q and NME nominee band The Feeling!!!

Laura Wright - Suffolk soprano who has sold over one million albums to date, favourite of Her Majesty The Queen and performer of the Commonwealth's Diamond Jubilee song, "Stronger as One".

Max Touhy - writing an album with rapper Cool G Rap in the states, born and bred in West London

The Ghosts - performed at Hyde Park Calling Festival (main stage), supported Keane on tour

The Feeling - nominated for BRIT, Q and NME awards

Anoushka Lucas http://www.

Jay Matthews:

Cian Brennan Gavin:

If this line up were’nt enough for one day, there’s also our fabulous hula hula pool party, BBQ, outdoor bar, obstacle course, entertainers and side shows galore. AND in true Swimstock fashion we’ve brought together a medley of celebrities from TV, film and music to help us launch a Blooming Great Tea Party for Marie Curie Cancer Care. Last year we performed the underwater tea party, 2012 sees Penny Smith, Louis Theroux, Dominic West and others have tea and cake in a Giant Hydro-ZORB on land and WATER!

Swimstock Charges - all proceeds go the Marie Curie Cancer Care
Adult member & guest General Access £15
Child member & guest General Access £10
To take part in Junior Aquathlon pay extra £5
To take part in Adult Master Classes with Swim Greats pay extra £10
To take part in Child Master Classes with Swim Greats pay extra £5
To take part in Adult Swimstock Gala pay extra £5

As mentioned, all proceeds go the Marie Curie Cancer Care, so we really do hope you’ll support this event by booking into one of the swim events or booking your general access ticket to this unique day! Don’t delay, tickets will go FAST!

For detailed event by event information, please click HERE.

See you there!

May 9, 2012