Ealing Hospital food rated excellent

Patient Environment Action Teams recognise improvements

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Independent inspections have rated Ealing Hospital as 'excellent' for food and 'good' for cleanliness, an improvement on previous years.

Less than a month ago, a programme went out on Channel 4 show TV following cleanliness gurus Kim and Aggie as they spent several months in and out of Ealing Hospital. They identified a number of areas where improvements could still be made, including encouraging staff and the public to take greater care in hand washing to reduce the chance of infection spreading.

Ealing Hospital NHS Trust says:

"Ealing Hospital has been awarded a coveted ‘excellent’ rating for the quality of its food and a ‘good’ rating for standards of cleanliness following a nationwide inspection.

"For the second year running, the Trust has been commended for continuing improvements and initiatives in improving the overall environment of wards and departments.

"The returns follow visits by independent Patient Environment Action Teams (PEATs). These teams were set up in 2000 to assess NHS hospitals’ standards of food and the environment.

"Trust Chief Executive, Fiona Wise, said: “We are delighted with the continuing improving scores we are receiving from the PEAT inspections.

“We are making massive efforts to improve the cleanliness of the hospital and maintain the quality of our food. Following on from the Kim and Aggie programme, the results of these PEAT inspections, carried out more recently and by experts including external Matrons and clinicians and patients representatives, vindicate our ongoing campaign to raise awareness about cleanliness in our hospitals.”

In 2006's assessments, Great Ormond Street, Ealing, Lewisham and Whipps Cross hospitals all scored ‘excellent’ for food and ‘good’ for cleanliness. Queen Charlotte’s, Hammersmith, and Royal Marsden, Sutton, rated ‘excellent’ for standards of both food and cleanliness.


September 25, 2006