Meeting to ask 'is NHS in Financial Crisis?'

A chance to question Derek Smith Hammersmith Hospitals' chief

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What is the truth about the current financial position of our hospitals? What are the problems they face, why have they arisen and what is the Hammersmith Hospitals NHS Trust doing to resolve them?

The Patient & Public Involvement Forum, Hammersmith Hospitals invites you to a meeting in public at which
Derek Smith, Chief Executive of Hammersmith Hospitals NHS Trust will outline the Trust’s current financial position and its recovery plan.

The Hammersmith Hospitals Trust manages Charing Cross, The Hammersmith, Queen Charlotte’s & Chelsea and Ravenscourt Park Hospitals

Thursday 26 January 2006
Courtyard Room
Hammersmith Town Hall
King Street
London, W6 9JU

For further information, directions or if you have any particular access requirements, please contact Stella Rafferty at the West London In-house Forum Support Team, Park House, 111 Uxbridge Road, London, W5 5TL Tel: 0845 120 4306

January 21, 2006