Ealing Residents to 'Tell Ken' Their Views

Former London Mayor on the campaign trail

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Ken Livingstone and Val Shawcross AM are visiting Ealing today ( Monday 7th February) in the second of a series of day-long 'Tell Ken’ visits to every London borough in 2011.

Ken and his team will meet residents, businesses and community groups in workplaces, schools and on high streets across the capital.

In the morning, Ken and Val will join councillors and local residents at a ground-breaking ceremony to mark the start of a new £30 million BSF redevelopment of Dormers Wells High school.

In 2010 the Conservative-led government scrapped over £250 million BSF funding for Ealing schools which meant projects to rebuild 16 schools were abolished. Just two Ealing BSF projects survived.

While Boris Johnson has been silent on the issue of BSF cuts, Ken has warned of the detrimental effects of the cuts on thousands of pupils in the capital and the wider effects of the cuts on unemployment and economy.

Ken will attend a series of public and private meetings later today including a meeting with students at the West London College in Acton and a public meeting with residents at Ealing Town Hall in the evening.

Ken Livingstone said,

“When I was selected as Labour’s candidate for Mayor I promised to listen to the views and concerns of Londoners. Over the coming months I will fulfil that promise with public meetings and events in every London borough speaking directly to thousands of Londoners.

‘Boris Johnson’s fare hikes, police cuts and ticket office closures are hitting Ealing residents hard. I’m looking forward to listening to Ealing residents and talking to them about how we can improve the quality of life in the borough.”

Val Shawcross AM said,

“The damage caused by Boris Johnson’s broken promises and ill considered decisions threatens to hit outer London boroughs like Ealing the hardest.

'Police cuts, fare rises and today’s ticket office closures demonstrate the priorities of our Conservative Mayor are far moved from the reality of life for the majority of Londoners.”

Leader of Ealing Council, Cllr Julian Bell said,

“Ealing residents are deeply concerned about the priorities of the Conservative led government and Conservative Mayor. Cuts to the police, fare rises and the scrapping of vital projects such as Building Schools for the Future threaten the livelihood and quality of life for thousands of local people.

‘I’m delighted that Ken and Val are spending a full day in our borough to listen to the views and concerns of residents and see at first hand the impact of the decisions made by Boris Johnson and his Conservative Government.”

MP for Ealing Southall, Virendra Sharma said,

“Building Schools for the Future is an example of the deep commitment Labour has to improving the life chances of ordinary Londoners and investing in skills and the economy. While I am delighted that Dormers Wells High School will be redeveloped, it is clear that the Conservative abolition of BSF is damaging the life chances of future generations of children in my constituency and across the country.'

‘We need a Mayor who will stand up against cuts to vital projects like BSF. Rather than defending London’s interests Boris Johnson has actively worked with his Conservative colleagues in government to bring in hugely damaging cuts for the capital.''



7th February 2011