Hacan Slams Removal Of Transport Secretary

Says reshuffle is an attempt to take aviation out of the headlines

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Hacan, the lobby group which opposes expansion at Heathrow has said that there will be “fury in West London and beyond" at the decision by Prime Minister David Cameron to remove Justine Greening from her job as Transport Secretary in his Cabinet reshuffle.

Other changes which impact on transport policy include the promotion of Aviation Minister Theresa Villiers to Northern Ireland Secretary and the removal of John Parkinson, DfT civil servant in charge of aviation policy to another post.

Reacting to the reshuffle announced today (Tuesday 4th September) in which Ms. Greening is replaced by Patrick McLoughlin, the MP for West Derbyshire, Hacan Chairman John Stewart commented;

“The aviation industry will be popping open the champagne as two independent-minded ministers have gone.

"There will be fury in West London and beyond at the moving of Justine Greening.  But, ironically, the new Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin has a record of opposing a 3rd runway at Heathrow (see link)

Mr. Stewart added ;"Overall these changes are an attempt to take aviation out of the headlines. Expect no real decisions this side of an Election.”

September 4, 2012

September 4, 2012