Planting Morning To Highlight 'Overdevelopment'

Residents fear they will lose their green space with tower block plans

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Tower Blocks For Friary Park Estate

Catalyst Plans For Friary Park, and

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Residents of an Acton estate are holding a planting morning on Sunday to highlight their battle with the Council and developers over the potential loss of common land.

There has been strong local opposition to plans by Catalyst Housing to demolish 224 homes on the Friary Park estate and erect hi-storey tower blocks.

A 'screening opinion notice' was published for "substantial existing residential development and construction of up to 650 dwellings forming buildings of 2 to 29 storeys high up to a maximum height of 90m above ground level"

The top end of this range would make the main tower West London's tallest building if it was completed before the skyscraper planned at the Carphone Warehouse site in Park Royal. The building would loom over much of Acton including some of the area's most expensive streets.

Friary Green Residents’ Association (FGRA) say it's overdevelopment and not wanted or needed in the area.  As part of the plan, they say Catalyst Housing will use Friars Green which is common and owned by the council. 

Angela Jullings, Secretary of FGRA says :

''The green is a much needed amenity for the area, especially with the Horn Lane pollution levels as they are. Our event is to demonstrate that the residents use and enjoy the green and it would be inappropriate for Catalyst to propose Friars Green is included as part of their estate.

''The residents in the area aim to stop this proposal before it gets to planning application submission stage and have formed a petition online to achieve that aim.''

Catalyst say they are not proposing to ‘take’ Friary Green or build on it.

A spokesman said; 'T'he current proposal puts the green space we are creating as part of the development next to the council owned Friary Green. This will provide a larger open space which could be an asset for the whole neighbourhood.

''It does not mean we have to provide any less green space in the development or allow us to build additional homes in the development. ''

It's expected a planning application will be submitted in the summer


Community Planting Morning on Sunday 10th May from 11am to 1pm on Friars Green, Friary Road, Acton W3.  



7th May 2015