New Cabinet and Priorities For Ealing

Focus on improving services, safety, securing jobs and delivering value

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Ealing Council’s new administration has announced its five priorities for the borough and appointed a top team to drive forward the improvements.

Over the next four years the administration will focus on:
- making the borough safer
- improving public services
- securing jobs and homes
- making the borough cleaner
- delivering value for money

Councillor Julian Bell, who was appointed as the new Leader of Ealing Council last night, said:
“The council is there to serve local residents and we want to put that at the heart of everything we do. We have listened very carefully to what people have been telling us and are making it a priority to deliver on the things that really matter to them.”

Councillor Bell is joined on the Cabinet, the council’s main decision-making body, by:
Children and Young People – Councillor Patricia Walker
Customer and Community Service – Councillor Kamaljit Dhindsa
Finance and Performance – Councillor Yvonne Johnson
Adult Services and Health – Councillor Jasbir Anand
Housing – Councillor Hitesh Tailor
Safer Communities, Equalities and Diversity and Deputy Leader – Councillor Ranjit Dheer
Transport and Environment – Councillor Bassam Mahfouz
Chief Whip (ex officio)– Councillor Brian Reeves

The new Cabinet was appointed by Councillor Bell followingt a meeting of the full council on Tuesday, 25 May.

Cabinet members will now work with council officers to draw up more detailed plans for how the priorities will be delivered.

May 26th, 2010