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Fabio Pereira, a Brazilian national of no fixed abode, was found guilty of the murder of John Goodman at Kingston Crown Court today, 8th October 2004. His sentencing was adjourned November.

John Goodman was a 51-yr-old man who lived alone in Mattock Lane Ealing W5 and had done so for many years. On the 20/3/03 Mr Goodman had an appointment at Ealing Hospital and this was the last time he was seen alive. He did not keep his next appointment on the 31st.

Southall Police began an investigation into Mr Goodman's whereabouts when a neighbour officially reported him missing on 16/7/03. This neighbour had become increasingly concerned having not seen him for some weeks and had noticed a man, later identified as Pereira, had moved into the property.

Police visited the Mattock Lane address on the 12/8/04 and spoke to Pereira. At this time he gave his name as Jose Fabio Santos. Pereira told police that he had bought the basement of Mattock Lane about a month previously from Mr Goodman.

The investigation found that Pereira had taken over Mr Goodman's life. He was living in his house, had taken over his phone line and his mobile phone and crucially he had committed a vast amount of fraud on Mr Goodman's bank account and credit cards. Pereira was arrested on 26/8/03 in connection with the fraudulent use of Mr Goodman's cards. It was the fraudulent use of Mr Goodman's credit cards and mobile phone that enabled officers to establish that his life appeared to come to an abrupt end on the 8/4/03. Prior to that date the cards and phone usage was indicative of Mr Goodman's lifestyle and following that date they helped implicate Pereira assuming control of them.

Following the conviction police renewed the search of 21 Mattock Lane Ealing, in an attempt to discover the whereabouts of Mr Goodman's body, and found it on 15th October.

DCI Alistair Tully said after the conviction, "Our thoughts and condolences are with the family of John Goodman at this time. His body has never been recovered and until it is the family are unable to move on through their grief. I would ask that if anyone has any information that may lead to his possible whereabouts they contact the incident room at Hendon on 0208 358 0400 or Crimestoppers.

This conviction was only possible with the full co-operation of the community in Ealing Green, and through the diligence and professionalism of the investigation team and Crown Prosecution Service."  

20th October , 2004