Vicious midnight attack on 65 bus

Off-duty police officer assaulted on South Ealing Road

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Ealing Borough Police are appealing to the general public for information following an assault on an off-duty police officer on 24th September.

The officer suffered a fractured cheekbone, a broken nose and a broken jaw during the assault. The officer was travelling on the Route 65 bus from Kingston at the time of the incident.  At 00:30 am on Sunday 24th September, the route 65 bus stopped on South Ealing Road junction with Temple Road, W5 to allow passengers onto the bus.  

The four suspects attempted to get on the bus with only two valid tickets. The driver insisted the two suspects without tickets would have to pay. All four suspects then began to argue with the driver.

A woman who we believe was standing at the bus stop, offered to pay the suspects fare, which was declined. The driver, knowing that the victim was on the bus, asked for the police officer’s assistance in removing the two males who did not have tickets. The 55 year old off duty officer identified himself and suggested that if the males did not have the correct tickets or means to pay they should leave the bus. The suspects then began to argue with the officer and he again asked them to leave the bus. They left the bus and the officer followed.

The suspects then attacked the officer leaving him with severe facial injuries. At hospital, he underwent surgery where he had a metal plate inserted in his cheekbone, and is now recovering at home. The bus driver called for assistance on his radio. Another 25 year old passenger attempted to assist the officer and was punched to the ground during the incident, suffering bruising to the face.  Police are keen to trace the passenger who was punched, as unfortunately the home address he supplied to officers at the scene is incorrect. The suspects have then all decamped down a side road, believed to be alley-way on the east footpath of the South Ealing Road, which leads to Cherry Close, W5 in the Trees Estate.

The four suspects currently being sought in connection with this incident are described as follows:

Suspect 1: Black Male, 16 - 18yrs old, 6’ 00 - 6’ 02”, Athletic build, clean-shaven, long black dreadlocks possibly tied in a ponytail, London accent. He was wearing a Black and White Hoody, white t-shirt, dark jeans

Suspect 2: Black Male, 16-18yrs old, 5’ 09 - 5’ 10”, Dark Clothing

Suspect 3: Black Male, 16-18yrs old, 5’ 09 - 5’ 10”, Dark Clothing

Suspect 4: Black Male, 16-18yrs old, 5’ 09 - 5’ 10”, Dark Clothing

Detective Superintendent Chris Foster, Ealing Borough Police, said,  "This is a completely unprovoked and savage attack on an serving police officer. These youths have shown no regard for authority and have used substantial force against the officer leaving him with serious facial injuries. I doubt that the suspects will have kept quite about this incident and will have spoken about this vicious assault to many people.  I would urge anyone with any information about the identity of these youths or anyone who may have witnessed the attack to contact Ealing Borough Police on 0208 721 7047/60 or if you wish to remain anonymous call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

"A lot of people, including the female who offered to pay the suspects' fare, left the area prior to police arrival and we are also appealing for those passengers and members of the public who may have been in the area to contact us. I promise that any information received will be treated with the strictest of confidence.”

October 10, 2006