Premiership Star Inspired By Cycling Challenge Fundraisers

Carl Jenkinson praises Steve Lloyd's colleagues after they raise £20,000

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Former Ealing Common Station Manager Inspires Fundraising Cycle Ride

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An innovative cycling challenge inspired by the brain tumour battle of the former manager at Ealing Common tube station has raised £20,000 to fund vital research into the devastating disease.

Father-of-two Steve Lloyd was at the finish line at Tower Hill on Sunday 23rd August, to see five teams complete the event to pedal overground the length of the underground District Line. Steve, aged 39 from Hockley, Essex, is a lifelong Hammers fan and West Ham full-back and England player Carl Jenkinson joined him to cheer the cyclists home.

West Ham full-back and England player Carl Jenkinson joined him to cheer the cyclists home

Carl Jenkinson with Steve and Angela

Carl said, “I first met Steve and his beautiful family at the game on Saturday. Since hearing his story I am determined to do all I can to support Brain Tumour Research and I feel privileged to be part of this great event.”

Among the cyclists completing the last leg of the challenge was Steve’s wife Angela, 35. The couple have two daughters Bethany, 12, and Chloe, 10, and this summer they were given the news that Steve has just months to live. His aggressive glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) brain tumour was first diagnosed in 2008.

Angela said: “We have been so touched by the support and well wishes we have received. This event has turned out to be much bigger than we could have wished for and we would like to thank everyone who has made a donation to this very important cause.

“We are determined to do all we can to continue to raise awareness and to help raise more funds for research. I am so angry that this horrible cancer affects so many young people yet there is so little investment. Where are the cures, the breakthroughs, the progress which could give us just a little precious time? Even if we can help just one person and their family it will be worthwhile.”

Angela with Steve at the Cycle Challenge event

Angela with Steve at the Cycle Challenge event

The TfL colleagues taking part on Santander Cycles chose the District Line, covering 74 miles and 61 stations, as this was Steve’s daily commute before he took retirement in January in order to spend as much time as possible with his family.

Funds are still coming in and £20,000 has already been raised. The money will help to fund vital research at four Brain Tumour Research Centres of Excellence including one at Queen Mary University of London. Scientists there are investigating how GBM brain tumours like Steve’s develop in order to achieve better outcomes for patients.

Hugh Adams, Head of External Affairs at Brain Tumour Research, said: “This has been such a great and innovative way of fundraising and a testament to Steve that so many people have felt moved to make donations and that his colleagues have worked so hard to make this happen.

“Brain tumours kill more children and adults under the age of 40 than any other cancer … yet just 1% of the national spend on cancer research is allocated to this devastating disease. This is unacceptable!”


Steve and Angela renewed their wedding vows

Steve and Angela renewing their wedding vows

Brain Tumour Research helps fund an annual £1 million programme of research at its Centre of Excellence at the University of Portsmouth. Further partnerships announced last year with Queen Mary University of London and Imperial College, plus Plymouth University will pave the way for a £20 million investment in brain tumour research over the next five years.

August 26, 2015