Crime Reduction Advice At Local Stations

Cyclists given tips from British Transport Police

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British Transport Police (BTP) neighbourhood policing officers are hosting a series of surgeries in the coming months encouraging cyclists to leave their bikes as secure as possible.

BTP Sergeant Tony Drew, of the Central Line North West Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT), said officers would be attending Greenford, Northolt and North Acton Tube stations.

“We will be offering Immobitag labels to cyclists for their bikes and we will advise them on how to register on the Immobilise site. The labels ensure that stolen bikes are easier to identify and given back to their original owners if recovered.”

Sgt Drew added that officers will be advising cyclists about methods they can use to ensure they don't fall victim to thieves.

"Many people who ride bikes often leave them at stations for very long periods of time, with some even owning two bikes and leaving them locked up at stations overnight.

"Because of this, it's important for us to ensure that cycle owners are educated and informed about how best to protect themselves from thieves.

"There are several steps people can take to ensure their bikes are adequately marked and secured to help reduce the risk of becoming a victim of bike theft.

"The best thing to remember is to register your bike and also to ensure two solid locks are used to secure both the frame and the wheels to the stand. If a bike is adequately marked, it makes it much easier to identify and therefore reduces its desirability to thieves."

Passengers are encouraged to attend the following stations:

· Greenford on Wednesday 20 October

· Northolt on Wednesday 17 November

· North Acton on Wednesday 15 December

NPT officers will be stationed near the cycle racks at the above locations between 8.30am and 10am on the dates stated.


Bikes are a popular target for thieves. Here are some simple tips to ensure yours remains secure:

• Always lock your bicycle whenever you leave it at a designated cycle rack area. Lock the frame and both wheels to a cycle stand.

• Consider using more than one lock to secure your bike and ensure that you use a recognised security standard lock. D-locks, extension cable or heavy chain locks are certified locking mechanisms. It is important to ensure that yours are up to date.

• Make the lock(s) and bike hard to manoeuvre when parked by ensuring little room between the stand and the bike.

• Do not allow your lock(s) to come into contact with the ground, where they are viewed as more vulnerable.

• Take a photograph of your bike and record your frame number and key details. This will be crucial in recovering your bike if it is stolen.

• Mark your frame with your postcode in two separate locations, one of which should be hidden. Attach a ‘Coded Cycle’ label to reduce the risk of making your bike a target for theft.

• Do not ride with valuables in open baskets or panniers.

• Register your bicycle at

October 13 2010