Behave or Be Banned!

Police and businesses take a hardline approach to troublemakers

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Get in trouble in a pub in Ealing and you could find yourself banned from many others.

That's the warning from Ealing Broadway Safer Neighbourhood Team and Ealing Broadway PubWatch  who have launched a new initiative to further reduce alcohol-related crime.

Managers of local licensed premises signed up to the scheme on 2nd November, agreeing to work with police to ensure Ealing remains a safe place to enjoy a night out.

The new scheme “Behave or Be Banned” (or BoBB) is designed to collectively ban trouble makers from ALL of the businesses who are members of the scheme. It is the first such scheme to be introduced in Ealing.

Any person arrested in Ealing Broadway for alcohol-related crime or disorder may receive a ban from the PubWatch which prevents them entering the premises of any scheme members - banned from one means banned from all.

This aims to encourage responsible drinking and ensure people enjoy their nights out knowing that businesses are working closely with local Police to keep Ealing safe at night. Police will issue an initial ban on behalf of the scheme members and the PubWatch will then decide on the ultimate length of the ban.

James Rawlinson, Ealing Police said

“This is an excellent scheme and allows local businesses to make a positive contribution to keeping Ealing safe at night by working together to keep trouble makers away.

''The businesses want to encourage responsible drinking but know there are a very small number of people who spoil the night for others through their behaviour. We are advertising the scheme now so people are aware that it comes into effect on 1st December. The owners and managers of the licensed premises have sent a clear message to those visiting the area at night: Behave - or Be Banned!”


3 November 2010