Angie Bray's October Newsletter

Latest news from the Ealing Central Acton Conservative MP

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Virendra, and

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"Parliament is now back and in full swing after a summer break and the Party Conference season, where we heard the Chancellor talk about measures for growth, and the Prime Minister about the importance of leadership. There are many issues swirling around, and a lot of work to be done.

We have just had a debate on the long-running concern about our relationship with the EU. Some of my colleagues pressed for an early referendum on In or Out of Europe, or at the least, a re-negotiation over repatriating certain powers. My own view was that while this would be desirable at the right time, this is not now. The country expects us to be focusing on our economy, and bringing forward a referendum would create uncertainty for businesses who may be considering investing in the UK. Our election manifesto promised a referendum on any future treaty changes, or new treaties that impact on our sovereignty, and we have already fulfilled that pledge in law. That was the manifesto commitment that I stood on during the election, and I am proud that we have already delivered on it. Should a new treaty arise from the problems facing the Eurozone, then we are already in a position to respond robustly.

Meanwhile, we look forward to the Chancellor's Autumn statement, which will tell us more about his plans for economic growth, and I am working with Francis Maude in the Cabinet Office as negotiations with the unions continue and we try and make sure we avert the damaging strike which some unions have planned for the end of November.

Some of you may have noticed that I've joined Twitter. If you want to follow me, you can find me at @AngieBrayMP."



Best wishes,

Read the full newsletter here

1 November 2011