Former Asylum Seeker Charged With Benefit Fraud


Mother of Seven appears before Ealing magistrates

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Toorpakai Saiedi, 37, the mother of seven who made national headlines nearly two years ago after it was revealed Ealing Council paid her rent of £12,500 per month pleaded not guilty to charges of benefit fraud. 

Originally from Afghanistan, Saiedi appeared at Ealing Magistrates court today charged with three counts of

making false representations to Ealing Council with a view to obtaining housing and council tax benefit and one count of making false representations to the Department of Work and Pension with a view to obtaining income support.

In October 2008, it was disclosed that she was living in a seven-bedroom house worth £1.2m in Acton, West London, where she now still resides.  Ealing Council sacked three of its housing officers over the case.

Mrs. Saiedi will return for committal to crown court at Ealing Magistrates Court on 17 February.

She was granted unconditional bail.




27 January 2011