Plant an Orchard this Weekend

Volunteers needed to support TfL Apprentices at Boston Manor Park

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Linda Massey, received an email only a week ago from Brentford resident Chris Murphy wearing his TfL hat asking if he and his TFL apprentices could do any voluntary work in Boston Manor Park.  He said he knows the park well as he walks his dog daily there  and loves being part of the community.  

The timing could not have been better as the Friends of Boston Manor were already making preparations to plant an orchard on Sunday 28th September 2014 (11a.m. start).

Volunteers with spades and forks

The TfL Apprentices have come from all over London and some of those from East London remarked on feeling like they were in the country.  Linda Massey, who is organising the project said she could not help pointing out the M4 flyover and then a plane from Heathrow flying in.

On day two great progress has already been made in preparing the ground ready for THE CHALLENGE volunteers  of whom 60 are expected on the Sunday who will be finishing off by planting the orchard. 

The Friends were fortunate to have a volunteer researcher to take a look at the apple trees that grew in the area and as a result a selection of 30 trees, the earliest variety being 1629 have already arrived ready for planting. 

Thirty of the Challenge volunteers will be assigned one tree each to plant.  Linda Massey would like it if members of the community could come forward to buddy the trees both in the planting (will be easy as if all goes to plan the holes will already have been dug) and in keeping an eye on  them afterwards.  Turn up at the Pavilion Cafe on the day and you will be pointed in the right direction.

Another task for the day is to trim the hedging spelling out Boston Manor Park (planted in 2011 with the help of The Challenge) into a slope.  15 Challengers will be assigned a letter each - if you think you can help with this Linda will be happy to hear from you.

Meanwhile, other Challengers will be busy running the cafe and making cup cakes ready to go with the finale bbq at the end of the day.

Linda can be contacted on or 07831 106973


September 24, 2014