'What A Great Bunch!'

St. Benedict's celebrates Fairtrade Fortnight

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Both the Junior and Senior Schools have been celebrating Fairtrade Fortnight at St Benedict’s, with a series of events put on by teachers and students alike helping to raise hundreds of pounds for charity.

St. Benedict's celebrates Fairtrade Fortnight

(To the delight of their pupils, four teachers spent the day dressed as bananas)

During the first week, each pupil in the Junior School created a triangle for the school's Fairtrade bunting, used to decorate the school hall.

The annual Fairtrade pudding competition also took place, and there was a huge variety of extremely impressive and delicious puddings entered this year. Congratulations to Gabriel Suarez (Lower Prep P), who came up with the winning pudding. His ‘Caramel and Chocolate Fairtrade Cupcakes’ were served and enjoyed by all pupils on the last Friday of the fortnight.

cake sale and competition

(The cake sale and competition, above, was very successful)

Mrs David, Environment Coordinator in the Junior School, said: “I was impressed with the generosity and participation during ‘Wellies Day’ and the ‘Fairtrade Cake Sale’. An impressive £478.14 was raised during both events, and the proceeds will be donated to all of the charities that we support.”

Fairtrade Week went off with a bang at the Wednesday Senior School assembly when, to all the students’ delight, Mr Billinge, Mr King, Mr Scicinski and Mr Bowles were selected to dress up as bananas for the day. There were shrieks of delight and an explosion of laughter from students and staff when they struggled into their outfits.

Mrs Smith, Senior School Environment Coordinator, commented: “The Environment Ambassadors rounded the week off with a cake sale competition plus an assembly for Middle School pupils. The cake competition was won by Aimee Leeden (Lower Fourth Brown). Overall £374 was raised for Fairtrade with £207 raised by our great ‘bunch of bananas’ on Wednesday.”


April 2, 2015