One World Pupils Learn About First Aid
Basic skills taught including how to call 999 in an emergency

One World Preparatory School

 10 Stanley Gardens, London, W3 7SZ
020 8743 3300

Pupils at One World Preparatory school gained valuable skills in first aid at school this week. An NHS paramedic visited the school to complete first aid awareness and training for all children from aged 3 - 11 years. The children completed different levels of training depending on their age but all learned the all important process of when and how to dial 999 in an emergency!

Other skills taught were bandaging, how to deal with cuts/burns/breaks, taking your pulse and children had the opportunity to 'play' with medical equipment. Head Teacher Lisa Manser said "It was a fantastic day and the children learned a great deal. We were suprised at how many children were unaware that 999 was used to call an ambulance as many believed it was the number for the fire brigade only. Quite a few of our children have been hospitalised for a variety of reasons and the opportunity to experience the equipment used was invaluable to decrease their fear of hospitals'. As I walked round the building I saw children putting eachother in the recovery position, checking eachothers pupils, elevating injuries and even giving oxygen! As well as being fun they have learned how to respond and essentially what they have learned could save a life!"

All the children received a certificate for their training. Student Romell Julian aged 10 said "It was soooo cool. I learnt that if I have a wound I would need to elevate it above my heart. I also listened to my own heartbeat through a stethascope and took my pulse, which was quite tricky. I now know how to put somebody in the recovery position"

Students in the nursery and reception class had a fabulous time bandaging each other and many have since decided upon a career in medicine!




May 14, 2013