Local MP supports Apprenticeship Fair

Gives aspirant apprentices the chance to meet employers

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MP Angie Bray and Ealing Hammersmith & West London College Apprenticeship Fair

Friday 4th April 2014

Acton Campus of EHWLC, Gunnersbury Lane, Acton, London W3 8EA

If you would like to attend, please register at www.wlc.ac.uk/apprenticeships/


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Ealing, Hammersmith & West London College is hosting an apprenticeship fair with the support of Ealing Central and Acton MP Angie Bray.

The fair, taking place at the College’s Acton campus on Friday 4th April between 10am and 2pm, is open to the public and will feature representatives from local and regional employers with apprenticeship schemes and other college leaver schemes.

Aspirant apprentices will have a chance to talk to a diverse range of employers from many different sectors, including NHS Imperial College, Asda, Lloyds Bank and Ealing Council, about the types of training on offer. They will also offer application tips and details about what recruiters are looking for when hiring apprentices.

Speaking about the upcoming apprenticeship fair, Angie Bray MP (pictured below) stressed the importance of apprenticeships as a route into employment: “Apprenticeships are playing a growing role in helping young people acquire the skills and experience they need to find work. The fair is an ideal opportunity for anyone in west London to talk directly with employers about what is available.”

With the number of apprenticeships in the country at record levels, the government is keen to encourage more businesses of all sizes to take on apprentices. Skills and Enterprise Minister Matthew Hancock MP said: “Young people are increasingly making apprenticeships their first choice and over half say they would like to do an apprenticeship if one were available. I would like it to be the new norm for all young people to choose either an apprenticeship or university to further their education.”

Students often begin an apprenticeship with little knowledge or experience, but find the hands on approach allows them to quickly develop new skills. Carla Higgins (pictured below), a current plumbing apprentice with Hounslow Homes, said:

“Before the course I’d basically never even held a drill. Being a full time mum, I hadn’t worked for a long time, but the College was really supportive in helping me get back into work and learning.
I’ve gained quite a lot of new skills, a new one every day. I’ve now got all the basic and common skills required for the plumbing industry.”

The College works with businesses across London to provide training and development support for apprenticeship programmes.

For more details, including how to register for the fair, see the right-hand box

March 24, 2014