Calling All Parents And Carers Of Children With Speech, Language And Communication Needs
Help is at hand

For more information contact Lesley on 07950911004 or email her at

Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) is an invisible and often overlooked disability. Parents of SLCN children often feel isolated and helpless. This is where Afasic England can help.

Afasic is a parent-led charity that supports parents and carers of children and young people with speech, language and communication needs by giving them a voice at both local and national levels. Afasic can provide a supportive and vibrant community platform for shared reassurance, empowerment and guidance.

There is a wealth of information and resources available on the Afasic website where you can explore the issues surrounding SLCN as well as view the many opportunities to become involved in fundraising and other social activities.

An opportunity to take a further step to understanding and coping with the difficulties surrounding SLCN is on offer to those who would like to find out more about Afasic.

As part of their continued support for parents and careers Afasic are running Drop In ‘Get To Know You Sessions’ in England.

The aims of these Drop In sessions are:

  • to bring parents and carers of children and young people with speech, language and communication needs together
  • to share experiences with other parents living nearby
  • to learn about Afasic
  • to bridge the gap between isolated inactivity and supported pro activity

Afasic Drop In and Volunteer Sessions






Drayton Court Hotel, 2 The Ave W13 8PH

16 Jan

6-7 Open drop in

7 pm Bookable Induction Session


Drayton Court Hotel, 2 The Ave W13 8PH

17 Jan

9am – 10am Open drop in

10 am Bookable Induction Session

Afasic volunteers and staff will be on hand at the venue from 6pm until 7 and from 9am to 10 am. If you can’t attend the Open Drop In or the formal Volunteer Induction Session feel free to pop in between 6-7 pm and 9-10 am to pick up some literature and contact details.

Lesley said, ‘The Afasic Get To Know You Drop In’ sessions are a fantastic opportunity for parents and carers to share their background and understanding of SLCN with others. By sharing and supporting each other, in turn, they can help young people develop and grow as individuals. At Afasic, we want to help and empower parents and carers. So we ask everyone to, please, share this information with friends and family. We hope to see you at one of the ‘Get To Know You Sessions.’

For more information contact Lesley on 07950911004 or email her at


January 7, 2015