Get ready for a Greenford Christmas

Fun festive fair for all the family

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A Festive fair will be held in Greenford in the run up to Christmas to encourage residents to do their shopping locally and entice other visitors to the borough.

Greenford Christmas fun day gets underway from 10am this Saturday, 11 December.  Shoppers will be treated to performances by carol singers and street artists and Council Leader Julian Bell will be on hand to officially switch on the town’s Christmas tree lights at 3pm.  Councillor Bell will also announce the business with the best-dressed Winter Wonderland themed window.

Council Leader and cabinet member for Regeneration, Councillor Julian Bell, said: “We’ve been working closely with businesses to organise these events to try to encourage residents to do their Christmas shopping locally.  I hope lots of families will come down to enjoy all the fun activities and entertainment on offer.”

Residents are also being encouraged to visit to find out about special offers and discounts at local businesses.

  December 10, 2010