Make Every Meal a Romantic One

Valentine's food that melts the most hardened heart

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The hamper contains a Valentine’s take-away feast for two (£35)

Veggie alternative available on request from Carluccio's deli

There is no love sincerer than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw

One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.
Virginia Woolf

The way to a man's heart is through his stomach
Fanny Fern



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Now call me an old cynic, but I don't tend to get very excited by the whole Valentines Day kerfuffle - it's all a bit OTT and rather commercial if you ask me.

Nevertheless I LOVE a good meal - so when I was given the opportunity to test one of Carluccio's Valentine's hampers I flicked my cynicism to one side and got all romantic (well at least until the bottle ran dry!)

Mediterranean food has the knack to make you feel good because it's colourful, lush, fragrant and damn right tasty and reminds me of great holidays in beautiful, hot, Italy.

We were given a veggie hamper to try, so, on a bleak, freezing cold February evening, we sat down to this most beautiful summery antipasti spread. There was focaccia, baby cherry tomatoes, Puglian olives, bell peppers with pesto, globe artichokes, green beans and mozzarella cheese. My type of food.

This was followed by a delicious roasted pumpkin tortellini with fresh parmigiano, and, completed with heaven on a plate for me and hubby - heart-shaped chocolate truffles.

The meat equivalent of this hamper has Italian sliced meats; a sharing course of fresh wild boar tortellini with fresh Parmigiano and the same delicious truffles.


A bottle of the finest Prosecco was drained (a little too easily) and by then we didn't care that we were dining in our Ealing kitchen instead of overlooking the Trevi Fountain.

Ok, it's obvious where we would rather be, but, with a bit of imagination, some of this delicious food (and plenty more Prosecco) you can transport yourself ... well anywhere.

Carluccio's is certainly feeling the love this February.

They have a huge range of foodie gifts and chocolates for sale - including the rather charming chocolate rose as pictured on the right.

If you don't feel like cooking your own the restaurant will be serving a special 4 course sharing menu from Monday 13th - Friday 17th February for £25. Download and enjoy here

For further details of Carluccio's menus and gifts visit



Annemarie Flanagan








8th February 2012


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