Bearcat Comedy Review

Viv Ellis ponders stretchy Primark trousers at The Viaduct

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Ingrid Dahl



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It was a very, very good bill last Friday.

The short “let’s give them a try and see how they get on” slot was Ingrid Dahl from Norway. She started off by saying how much she loved the UK ‘apart from the food’ and how she learned Engish by watching daytime telly – like Jezza Kyle. And she had a real ability to “do” our accents. But then went into the most surprising and extraordinary act. She was wearing some (very) stretchy Primark trousers and spent the act maneuvering them into different outfits – an Essex girl’s clubbing outfit, a burqa and more.  The audience loved her – though how she would stretch the act – or indeed her trousers- to fill a longer slot I’m not sure.

Jo Caulfield  a regular on TV, radio and indeed the main Ealing Comedy Festival was excellent – as  usual. Targeting parents who don’t discipline their kids. Teasing  her own partner’s desire to look like Clint Eastwood when he too is  an octagenerian. “He doesn't look like him now, what does he imagine is going to happen?” Plus the difference in how  men and women argue with each other. ‘They don't realize we have been planning it for ages, when it comes it hits them out of the blue”.

Headline act was Paul Sinha, perhaps best known as being one of the ‘Chasers’ in the ITV daytime quiz show where he is known as ‘The Smiling Assassin’. I watched the show in the afternoon as ‘research’ . He wasn't in it so that’s one hour of my life I’ll never get back. 

A qualified GP, Paul is openly gay and much of his very funny set was built around coming out to his parents (turned out not to be a problem) and telling them he was quitting being a doctor to be a comedian (slightly more of one). He spent some of his medical working life in Norfolk where “all Asians are nicknamed ‘Doctor’. At he end of his set he revealed that back in 1995 his first ever comedy gig was …….at the Viaduct.

It’s a venue with a strong history and this latest incarnation is going from strength to strength.  Eighties comedy legend Bobby Davro is on this next Friday – tickets will go quickly!

The Club’s in the upstairs room at the Viaduct, 221 Uxbridge Rrd (just before Ealing Hospital) Book early enough and there are deals at two venues, the Viaduct itself (020 8567 5866) has a 2 course meal & a ticket for the show for £20, and the nearby W7 Emporium ( or call 020 8840 3576) do a meal and a drink and a ticket for the show.

Otherwise to get tickets;  they are £10 (max 6) before Friday (from the pub itself) On the door £13 members (£15 non members - join first time - bring membership card)




3rd February 2015


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