Meet The Candidates: Ealing North

A series of features in the run-up to the Parliamentary election

The Ealing North seat covers Northolt, Greenford and Perivale and because of recent boundary change, loses large parts of Hanger Hill and Ealing Broadway to the new Ealing Central and Acton seat, while gaining part of Greenford from Ealing Southall.

According to the Uk Polling Report it's a classic marginal and has largely matched the ebbs and flows of the national political picture. The new boundaries make it slightly safer for Labour and the Conservatives would require an impressive swing to come close to taking the seat, but then, this is described as a politically volatile area.

So far the confirmed candidates for the 2010 General Election are Stephen Pound (Labour) Ian Gibb (Conservative) Chris Lucas (Lib Dem) Christopher Warleigh Lack (Green) and Dave Furness (BNP).

With the election expected to be called very soon we asked three of the parliamentary candidates about the main issues in Ealing North.

Here is what they said:


Stephen Pound

Labour Party

Stephen Pound

Ian Gibb

Conservative Party

Ian Gibb


Chris Lucas

Liberal Democrats

Chris Lucas

I could easily come up with a shopping list of all the issues from the economy, global warming, health and pensions through to international development that really matter to the people of Ealing North but what these issues all have in common is the need for a government that has the calm competence to steer us through turbulent global storms while never losing sight of the long term needs of this country and our world.

The budget has shown that it is possible to increase support for pensioners, small businesses and children as well as providing extra funding for the council to sort out the pot-hole plague while not putting the steadily improving economy as risk.

I’m not a great reader of the “Financial Times” but I couldn’t help noticing that the FTSE 500 index continues to grow and to even approach the levels achieved before the financial crisis all but engulfed us. That’s not the simplistic spin that we all abhor – it’s real people putting real money into real businesses with confidence in this government.

My commitment is to continue to be the busiest and most responsive MP possible, to keep holding advice surgeries on Fridays, Saturdays and Mondays and to never ever forget that it is my job to make the case for Ealing North in government – not to make the case for the government in Ealing North. It is an honour and an immense privilege to represent my fellow Ealing North residents and I will never forget that.

Tackling the parlous state of the economy, especially the huge level of debt which doubled under Gordon Brown, has got to be the number one priority of an incoming Government. We also need to reverse the disastrous tax on jobs announced in the budget by Alistair Darling, if we are to get Britain working again.

The next Member of Parliament for Ealing North must rebuild the trust of local residents in politicians. The fact that MPs have decided they will carry on employing their wives just goes to show they still don't get the outrage the public feels about the expenses scandal.

I have pledged not to employ family members, not to have a second home and, to allow close scrutiny, I will post all my expenses online.

If I am elected as Ealing North's MP, I will fight to defend local health services: I am really worried about the future of Ealing Hospital. I will campaign to make sure Ealing gets its fair share of police officers and free them from needless paperwork.

This will get more 'bobbies on the beat'; clamping down on crime, anti-social behaviour and street drinking.

I will work to ensure that the new high school in Greenford is delivered on time in 2014. Add in the need to get immigration under control, stop the loss of sovereignty to Europe and fix Britain's broken society and you'll see that real change is necessary.

David Cameron and the Conservatives can deliver that change.



Ealing North is one of London’s most vibrant and diverse constituencies, but it is also one of the most unequal.  13 years of Labour government have resulted in:

  • the widest ever gap between the richest and the poorest
  • unemployment figures hitting record highs
  • anti-social behaviour is spiralling out of control

Whether I’m in Greenford, Northolt, Perivale or Pitshanger, I hear the same thing – “we’re not being listened to...”, “we’re being excluded...”, “we’re being treated unfairly...”  From Labour’s plans to close the A&E wing at Ealing Hospital and to expand Heathrow, or the Tories’ proposed cuts to police numbers, people are furious about not being consulted and frustrated at being ignored.


Fairness and openness is at the heart of Liberal Democrat policies and I am committed to delivering a fairer deal for all in Ealing North.  Whether it’s City Hall or Whitehall, I will be the voice of the entire constituency – not just for the rich and the privileged.  Unlike the Tories and Labour, I will never ignore the will of the people.


As your MP I pledge to:


  • Lead the fight against Labour’s attacks on our local NHS services
  • Oppose Tory cuts to police numbers
  • Fight for a high speed rail network to connect Heathrow with other regional airports


So let’s send a message to Parliament that the people of Ealing North refuse to be ignored.  A vote for Chris Lucas and the Liberal Democrats is a vote for change that works for you.



Information and related stories

Do you have any questions about local issues for the candidates?

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Who is Standing in Ealing North? (pdf)

Who is Aiming to be Your MP?

Election Candidates on Ealing Broadway Station

All Eyes on Ealing for Elections


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March 31st, 2010