Will to Win is a Big Hit

Free coaching tomorrow from Wimbledon star


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Will to Win is celebrating its Free Kids’ Tennis programme at Lammas Park with The Big Hit on Wednesday 29th June, hosted by British doubles star and Commonwealth Games medallist Sarah Borwell.

Local children are invited to come to Will to Win’s Ealing Centre to try their hand at tennis and get free coaching advice from Borwell, who is one of the country’s best tennis players and is fresh from competing at Wimbledon.

Will to Win runs community sports centres across London and is
committed to providing accessible, affordable tennis for players of all ages and backgrounds.

Tennis is free from 3pm – 6pm weekdays for under-16s at all Will to Win Tennis Centres, year-round. Rackets and balls are also provided free.

The Big Hit
When: Wednesday, 29th June 4pm - 6pm
Where: Will to Win Ealing, Lammas Park
Map: http://www.willtowin.co.uk/ealing/ealing


All children will be asked to signed media consent forms to ensure
availability for filming and photographs.

28th June 2011


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