A Farm For The Future

Ealing Transition film show this Sunday

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As the global economy pulls out of the current recession, demand for oil will increase and it is likely that the price will spike again.

But using current farming methods, ten calories of oil go into producing each calorie of food. As oil gets scarcer, how will we produce food with less fossil fuel energy? How are we going to keep ourselves fed during the on-coming energy crisis?

These questions are tackled by what is maybe the best and most important of our film showings to date: A Farm for the Future (2009, 48 mins).

First shown on BBC earlier this year, A Farm for the Future follows wildlife film-maker Rebecca Hosking's quest to understand how her own fuel-guzzling family farm will have to change to cope with the inevitable transition to a low fossil-fuel energy economy.

Alarmed by the current situation, what she finds out has startling implications for how we look at food production, bio-diversity and our place in the living system.

Do join me and other Ealing Transition members on Sunday 11 October at 7.30pm, at the one and only cinema in Ealing, in St. Mary's Church, St. Mary's Road, Ealing.

There will be an opportunity to make comments and pose questions after the film, and then discussion will continue over tea and coffee.

Struan, Ealing Transition Steering Group

P.S. Whether you make it to the film or not, our next meeting, on Food Feet: Cultivating Ealing's Food Security, will be held at The Polygon, St Mary's Church, Thursday 15th October at 7.30pm.










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