Ealing Skylines Photo Competition

Closing date 31 December


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Get your cameras clicking for the second photo competition organised by the Neighbours Paper volunteer team. This year the competition is jointly run with the new OPEN Ealing arts venue.

The theme of the competition is: Ealing Skylines- OPEN and CLOSED, calling for creativity in portaying Ealing's changing skyline, sometimes open and sometimes closed in.

Participants are invited to send two photographs showing contrasting skylines. The competition is open to everyone and all the entries will form part of an exhibition at the new OPEN arts venue in the community gallery in February 2012. (113Uxbridge Rd,W5, opposite the Fire Station)
The closing date for entries is 31 December.

Details can be found on www.neighbourspaper.com,or e mail neighbourspaper@hotmail.co.uk
The winner will have his or her photos printed on the front cover of Neighbours Paper and there are more prizes for runners-up.



3rd October 2011


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