OPEN rehearsal of ‘All Those Endearing Young Charms’

OPEN Ealing Thursday 29th September

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‘It was an invitation no business man could resist. An invitation to be interviewed at a secret location for a very important post. Intriguingly, there was mystery about his interrogators, 3 attractive women who refused to tell him what the job entailed. When he learned the truth it was too late…’

Anthony Shrubsall is a freelance theatre director based in London. His most recent production Richard Tyrone Jones Has a Big Heart premiered at the Buxton Fringe this summer while LANZA with the opera singer Andrew Bain, ran at the Kings Head, London from December 2010 to January 2011.

His production of Security, a one woman show commissioned by BAC and Birmingham Rep was written and performed by renowned spoken word artist and performance poet Zena Edwards.

The show premiered at Battersea Arts Centre and toured nationally and internationally in 2009, a year which also which saw Security published in book form. In June 2010 the show was the first ever UK production invited to Japan for the highly prestigious Shizuoka Performing Arts Festival.

A former Artistic Director at the Drayton Court Theatre, London, Anthony has written and published on Samuel Beckett, Theatre d’Complicite’s Jos Houben, Harold Pinter and Vsevolod Meyerhold, respectively. He is a member of the Director’s Guild of Great Britain.
Contact David Highton at OPEN on 020 8579 5558 for information.

Your chance to see a special public OPEN rehearsal of Peter Harrison’s All Those Endearing Young Charms, directed by Ealing-based Anthony Shrubsall, before it goes to this year’s Windsor Fringe.

Thursday 29th September at 7.30pm. Tickets £4.

Call OPEN on 020 8579 5558 to reserve a ticket. Play lasts 30 minutes

OPEN Ealing 113 Uxbridge Road, London, W5 5TL | 0208 579 5558

September 29, 2011

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